2011/365/085: Applause Applause

It is late, and I cannot go to bed without posting on this, day 85 of my yearlong blogging adventure.

What I have to really say, though, will have to wait until tomorrow.

I’ll give you the tease….

The day’s bookends were both high school related, from seeing Sound of Music performed by our students at Centennial, to ending the evening watching friends that I went to high school with perform live at a restaurant/bar, owned by another friend who went to Loch Raven in ’83.

These bookends, filled with applause, are brewing inside of me in wondrous ways, and I cannot wait to post a lengthy piece early tomorrow about the significance of this day.

I leave you with this: Tonight, I saw friends that matter more to me now than I could have ever imagined 28 years ago when we went to school together. These relationships that we build, at any age, are what we make of them and what we choose to treasure.

I do not take for granted a single one of these people. I am blessed to have them in my life today, and I am ever-thankful that, all these years later, we have found a way to understand that life and love and these relationships transcend the heavier things that can weigh us down from time to time.

Love to all. More in the morning. I cannot wait. ❤

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